Berto Jongman: Secret Meeting in London to “End Cash”

Secret Meeting in London to “End Cash” Central banks aim to institute “governmental approval” for all purchases and sales Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a “secret meeting to end cash” set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is …

Worth a Look: Fair Coop (Earth Cooperative for a Fair Economy) Includes FairCoin is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible, and at the same time gradually contribute to a new global wealth, accessible to all …

Yoda: Hundreds Protest FCC Dismissal of Net Neutrality

Neutrality not… Hundreds protest outside FCC net neutrality hearing One activist calls FCC’s proposal “a nail in the coffin” for American innovation. WASHINGTON, DC—As the Federal Communications Commission was considering new net neutrality rules, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the meeting Thursday morning to protest FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal. Advocacy organizations like Free Press argued that …

Rickard Falkvinge: Charlie Shrem, From House Arrest, Earns Standing Ovation – Free Knowledge, Free the Market, Free the World!

Nothing New Under The Sun, Bitcoin Edition Cryptocurrency – Charlie Shrem:  I was invited to speak at Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin this past week. Due to my house arrest, I’ve been largely staying low key but felt I needed to make a statement, a strong one. I asked Rick if I could use his …

Rickard Falkvinge: BitCoin Billion Dollar Theft an Inside Job

The Gox Crater: Crowd Detectives Reveal Billion-Dollar Heist As Inside Job Cryptocurrency: Thousands of volunteering and self-organizing detectives have been meticulously laying a puzzle that reveals the Gox billion-dollar heist as an inside job. As smoke clears on the implosion of the Empty Gox bitcoin exchange, thousands of people in the community committed to revealing the …