Robert Steele: #GoogleGestapo – Facebook Meddling in 2018 Election

Facebook Meddles in the 2018 Midterm Elections On October 11, Facebook announced the removal of 559 pages and 251 accounts from its service, accusing the account holders of “spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.” In other words, Facebook’s administrators are meddling in politics — including the 2018 US midterm elections — in the name of preventing …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Blocks Facebook Posts About Facebook’s Massive Security Breach — We Are Shocked (#GoogleGestapo)

Facebook: Interesting Real News Filtering We read “Facebook Users Unable to Post Story about Huge Facebook Hack on Facebook.” A real news outfit in London noticed that stories about Facebook’s most recent security lapse were not appearing on Facebook. Another real news outfit reported that some Facebook users saw this message: “Action Blocked: Our security …

Mongoose: Israel’s Secret Facebook Subversion Project

Censored Film Reveals The Israel Project’s Secret Facebook Campaign Woven into the stream of progressive-flavored fluff are attacks on actual progressive movements, such as Chicago’s Dyke March, whose organizers faced an Israel lobby smear campaign after asking pro-Israel provocateurs to leave their march in 2017.

Robert Steele: Facebook is Doomed, Zuckerberg Cashing Out UPDATE 3 Extreme Leftist Censoring Monoculture, Key People Start to Leave

It is with great pleasure that I announce my conclusion, based on my analysis of the headline as shown below and follow-on discussion with top industry analysts, that Facebook is doomed and Mark Zuckerberg is cashing out.  Good riddance. Mark Zuckerberg is selling up to $13 billion of Facebook stock to fund an ambitious project …