NIGHTWATCH: Syrian Alawites in Fight to the Death (or Exile) – Phi Beta Iota: The Era of MINORITY Rule by Violence Is OVER

Syria: On 6 August, just days after the government declared Damascus nearly rid of rebel fighters, a bomb detonated on the third floor of Syria’s state television and radio building in Damascus, leaving several people injured, according to Syrian state television. Comment: The Syria opposition’s tactics resemble those of the Afghan mujahedin who fought the …

NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan Lost, Syria Holding

Afghanistan: Comment: On the 16th, US and NATO officials praised the Afghan commandos for leading the counterattack against the small group of anti-government fighters who assaulted Kabul on Sunday. However, some seemed to undermine the significance of the Afghan achievement by minimizing the significance of the assault itself, calling it the last gasp of the …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update

Syria: The Syrian army seized Idlib and rebels, activist Noureddin al-Abdo said on 14 March. Al-Abdo said fighting stopped on the night of 13 March, the Free Syrian Army has withdrawn and regime forces are performing house-to-house searches. News reports also reported the start of another army sweep operation in Dara’a, at the opposite end …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update – Opposition Defector

Syria: For the record. President al-Asad announced parliamentary elections will be held on 7 May. Comment: Despite the violence, Asad is undeterred from following the political reform plan he outlined last year, which will include multi-party elections. The Syrian Opposition. Former judge, attorney and prominent opposition figure Haithem al-Maleh withdrew from the opposition Syrian National …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Ground Truth / Integrity Tips

Syria: Deputy Oil Minister Abdo Hussameddin announced his resignation and departure from the Ba’ath Party to side with the opposition against President Al-Asad’s regime. If confirmed, he would be the highest-ranking official to defect, and the third member of the administration to do so. A video of his declaration was posted on YouTube and repeated …