Review (Guest): Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion–Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature

Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown 5.0 out of 5 stars Eloquently written review! Best of Class. Congratulations! February 16, 2010 By Kenneth J. Garcia “Jazz Is …” (Baltimore, Maryland United States) In my early 20’s, circa 1973, I questioned why each culture had it’s own distinct religion much like they spoke a distinct tongue? …

Graphic: Panarchy The Self in Hyperconnectivity

The Database of the Self in Hyperconnectivity is a graphic created by Venessa Miemis a Media Studies student, who created the figure for a course project, to communicate different ways people interact with online information (there is also an interactive version). Source

Panarchy-Not Anarchy-Future of Global Governance

Panarchy is “a useful way of thinking about cross-scale dynamics in complex adaptive systems.”  Source Panarchy, in modern terms, is both an emerging theory of local to global relations spanning all current disciplines (e.g. economics, political science, sociology), and a public intelligence concept that posits non-violent collective intelligence, with access to all true cost information, …

Live Crisis Mapping: Routing Around Old Mindsets

OCHA, UNOSAT and NetHope have been collaborating with the Volunteer Technical Community (VTC) specifically CrisisMappers, Crisis Commons, Open Street Map, and the Google Crisis Response Team over the past week. The CrisisMappers Standby Task Force has been undertaking a mapping of social media, news reports and official situation reports from within Libya and along the …