Journal: Haiti Update 22 January 2010 AM

In Need of Port Repairs, Haiti Relocating 400,000 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti  —  Haitian officials are planning a massive relocation of 400,000 people from makeshift camps to the outskirts of the capital as the U.S. government tackles repairs to the damaged main port — dual efforts to help residents survive the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake. The …

Journal: Secret World Still Short on All Languages

IC’s Language, Linguistic Shortfalls Under Scrutiny by Anthony L. Kimery Thursday, 21 January 2010 The IC still has important pockets of critical intelligence analysis that continue to suffer. The rank and file analysts at the CIA, NSA and elsewhere throughout the Intelligence Community (IC) are patriotic, dedicated … hardworking. But they have long been hampered …

Journal: Stupid Is As Stupid Does–Israel…Again

With the possible exception of Syria, Turkey is the most welcoming and friendliest country in the Mediterranean.  It is also the Islamic country that is on the friendliest terms with Israel.  It predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, had a distinguished history of providing a welcoming sanctuary for Jew persecuted by Christians, particular those in Spain.  But …