David Isenberg: Recommended Book, Mel Goodman on National Insecurity, The Cost of American Militarism

Recommended! Coming out 12 February 2013. “Mel Goodman has spent the last few decades telling us what’s gone wrong with American intelligence and the American military, and now, in National Insecurity, he tells us what we must do to change the way the system works, and how to fix it. Goodman is not only telling …

Tom Atlee: Citizen Wisdom Councils – OUR Treasure

An unsung treasure for facilitators and civilizations Back in the mid-90’s I discovered Jim Rough’s Wisdom Council formathttp://www.co-intelligence.org/P-wisdomcouncil.html and began promoting it through my network as a way to increase the co-intelligence of a community. I loved the design of it – every 3-12 months randomly selecting one or two dozen ordinary people to reflect …

Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP

Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator with a gift for identifying legitimate sources worth reading on their own. Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise EXTRACT Unfortunately for the Obama regime, this report says, and the reason for another “tragic event” needing to happen, is that the “official story” about …

DefDog: Panetta at Press Club — Pathetic! & Comment by Robert Steele with Remedial Reading List

While touted as strategy, I fail to see any, more like wishful thinking and hope…..and as we all know, Hope is Not a Strategy…. Remarks by Secretary Panetta at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LEON E. PANETTA:  Thank you very much, Theresa, for that kind introduction.  And thank you for the …

David Isenberg: James Howcroft on Making Intelligence Relevant in the 21st Century

Making Intelligence Relevant for the Missions of the 21st Century by James Howcroft Small Wars Journal | December 19, 2012 The international challenges which threaten the security of the United States and our partners in the 21st century are not primarily posed by conventional military forces. Despite the “pivot” toward a conventional peer competitor in …