Review: On Complexity

Edgar Morin 7 Stars Life Transformative  Foundation Work for Everything Else This is a remarkably coherent book about the most important topic for all of us, the matter of complexity and more to the point, thinking about complexity. I certainly recommend it most strongly, along with two other books by the same author that I …

John Maguire: YouTube (6:36) Pseudo Skepticism & The “Conspiracy Theorist” Slur

Description: State sponsored history, the version touted in public schools, and preached over the mainstream media is the mythology of the state, and it is as essential to its existence as creation stories are to any religion. See Also: Berto Jongman: New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile + Cabal / Conspiracy Meta-RECAP …

Kevin Barrett: US “death squad envoy” arrives in Egypt – and the slaughter begins — Department of State Militarized AND Marginalized

US “death squad envoy” arrives in Egypt – and the slaughter begins My new Press TV article, published Monday, is looking prophetic – or as we Muslims prefer to say “precognitive.” When the US sends a “death squad ambassador” to Egypt, you can figure that the big slaughter is about to begin. As of today, …

John Maguire: Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda

Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda Ben Lynfield The Independent, 13 August 2013 In a campaign to improve its image abroad, the Israeli government plans to provide scholarships to hundreds of students at its seven universities in exchange for their making pro-Israel Facebook posts and tweets to foreign audiences. The students making the …

Marcus Aurelius: Iranian Outreach to Latin American Youth

(1) Anybody else think this sounds like Sovs’ Patrice Lumumba University of another decade?; (2) totally unsurprising; to use WWII terminology, development of an Iranian “fifth column” in Latin America, an organization that has the capability to fulfill roles similar to the “underground” and “auxiliary” in a doctrinal US-sponsored insurgency; (3) might also be unsurprising to find Iran …

Anthony Judge: Is There Never Enough? Religious Doublespeak on Population and Poverty

Is There Never Enough? Religious doublespeak on population and poverty Introduction Mass distraction enabling Mass destruction? Denial of “overpopulation” as a problematic factor Overpopulation denial as promoted by religions and fellow-travellers Deficient analytic capacity of religions Blame-gaming: always someone else’s responsibility Withholding aid as a means of saving future lives? Hypocrisy of current Papal focus …