Review (Guest): Corporations Are Not People – Why They Have More Rights Than You Do and What You Can Do About It

Jeffrey D. Clements 5.0 out of 5 stars It’s Worse Than We Thought But More Easily Fixed Than We Imagined,January 8, 2012 David C N Swanson (Charlottesville VA United States) – See all my reviews< This book should mainstream the campaign to end corporate personhood. Clements traces the development of the legal doctrine of corporate …

Eagle: Congress Does Not Have Authority to Give on Military Detention without Due Process

What’s Old Is New Again Chris Sullivan Different Bugle, January 3, 2012 “My Lord, I can touch a bell on my right hand and order the arrest of a citizen of Ohio; I can touch a bell again, and order the imprisonment of a citizen of New York; and no power on earth, except that …

Chuck Spinney: Financial Coups Destroying Europe

The core of neoliberalism is a political-economic theory masquerading as a scientifically pure economic theory.  The central claim is that efficiency and economic growth is the means to maximize individual welfare, and in so doing, neoliberal policies maximize the collective welfare. In theory, Neoliberalism’s key tenets — the supremacy of the market, globalization of capital …

John Steiner: Occupy Hearts – Compassion New Currency

Compassion Is Our New Currency : Notes on 2011’s Preoccupied Hearts and Minds Rebecca Solnit, December 22, 2011. Usually at year’s end, we’re supposed to look back at events just passed — and forward, in prediction mode, to the year to come. But just look around you! This moment is so extraordinary that it …