Berto Jongman: Pakistan Outs Three CIA Chiefs in Three Years… + CIA Cover Incompetence RECAP

Pakistan Outs Three US CIA Station Chiefs in Three Years Corporate Media Keeps US Citizens in the Dark by DAVE LINDORFF Counterpunch, Weekend Edition December 20-22, 2013 For the third time in three years, a CIA station chief has been outed in Pakistan, a country where the CIA is running one of its largest covert …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Conflict of Two Judaisms — Judaism of Love and Judaism of Conquest

A Jewish State Would Not Be Oppressive or Racist Toward the Powerless, the Immigrants, the Homeless, The Other–an essay by Uri Avnery Editor’s Note: Uri Avnery, a committed atheist, and chair of Israel’s peace movement Gush Shalom,  recognizes that the real problem in Israel today is not that it is a Jewish state, but that it …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: War on Poverty Round Two — Theater, But Worth Noting… + Poverty RECAP

Great news! Congessman Keith Ellison, who represents Minneapolis/St Paul in the U.S. House of Representatives, introduced a resolution in effect endorsing the NSP version of a Global Marshall Plan into the House of Representatives as H Res 439. It was referred to the Republican controlled Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Please read …

Patrick Cockburn: Saudi Arabia Funds Terrorism & Mass Murder — USG Silent & Therefore Complicit [While Also Approving $4B to “Train & Equip” Saudi National Guard]

Mass murder in the Middle East is funded by our friends the Saudis World View: Everyone knows where al-Qa’ida gets its money, but while the violence is sectarian, the West does nothing Patrick Cockburn The Independent, Sunday 8 December 2013 Donors in Saudi Arabia have notoriously played a pivotal role in creating and maintaining Sunni …

Berto Jongman: David Ignatius Pimps “Fresh Approach” by Second String Prefects

A fresh approach to looking at foreign threats By David Ignatius, Washington Post, December 6, 2013 The chairs of the House and Senate intelligence committees stated last weekend that the world was getting more unsafe. A few days later, the Pew Research Center reported that 52 percent of Americans think the U.S. should “mind its own …

Marcus Aurelius: SecDef Puts Humans on the Block

SECDEF speaks; see article below.  Key points: First SOF Truth, equally applicable to every single element of the Joint Force, has been forgotten:  HUMANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWARE.  First SOF Truth, repeat after me, Mr. Secretary:  HUMANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWARE. Troops and families — carriers of the rifles and the rucksacks and …

Sreeram Chaulia: Russia-China-India “Strategic Triangle”

A new power triangle The relative decline of America’s military, economy and soft power has led to new possibilities for restructuring leadership. Russia, India and China have been grasping at these new horizons. The Asian Age, 22 October 2013 Two back-to-back diplomatic summits this week between India and Russia, followed by India and China, are …