Reference (2012): Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age, Review by Steele, Wright, Anon & New Link 3.0

UPDATE: 1 January 2013 from Spanish Dancer: What is most striking to me, and to a few others I have spoken to recently, is the SECDEF quote early in the paper.  If we follow its premise it puts anyone who opposes our projection of power in the cross hairs.  It is this doctrinal fluff that …

Marcus Aurelius: Army at a Cross-Roads, Toxic Leadership Not Helping

Facing Uncertainty, Budget Cuts, Army Is At A Crossroads Some changes have been resisted By Greg Jaffe Washington Post, November 23, 2012, Pg. 3 For much of this year, Sgt. Maj. Raymond F. Chandler III, the Army’s top enlisted soldier, has traveled to bases around the world with a simple message: “We’ve allowed ourselves to …

Practical Reflections on United Nations Intelligence + UN RECAP

Updated 21 Dec 2012 1800 Short Persistent URL for This Post: DOCUMENT:  2012 Reflections on UN Intelligence 2.3 21 Dec 2012 I had occasion to look at the Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organization, and thought this would be a good time to integrate some of what I have …

Stuart Umpleby A Constructivist University: Farewell to the Paukmaschine*

Attached is an abstract for a talk given today in Vienna, Austria, for the Heinz von Foerster Society.  This Society, which has become a leading center for cybernetics research in Europe, celebrates the work of Heinz von Foester, who was born in Vienna and taught for many years at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.  …

Marcus Aurelius: Thomas Ricks on Generals “Casual Arrogance”

Combine this with the reporting on toxic leadership (e.g. by LTG(R) Walter Ulmer) and you have the whole picture.  Emphasis added below. Questioning The Brass By Thomas E. Ricks New York Times, November 12, 2012 Pg. 29 Washington–OVER the last 11 years, as we fought an unnecessary war in Iraq and an unnecessarily long one …