Owl: Assassination in Russia — False Flag? NeoCon Money & Russian FSB Renegades? WWIII?

Good News and Bad News: WWW3 Will be a Short War Alexey Navalny, a major opposition leader to Putin, was murdered in Russia, and likely he was a victim of a false flag planned and executed by Western neocons. As Wayne Madsen commented, “Neocons issue their demands for “regime change” in Russia, minutes after Boris …

Berto Jongman: Saudi Arabia Behind Al Qaeda and ISIS — Saudi Arabia and Israel as the Greatest Destabilizers

Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel By Robert Parry, Common Dreams Saudi Arabia is under a new cloud after a jailed al-Qaeda operative implicated senior Saudi officials as collaborators with the terror group – and the shadow could even darken the political future of Israeli Prime Netanyahu because of his odd-couple alliance with Riyadh. Read full …

CounterPunch: Raul Castro at CELAC – Our America

Our America Address to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Raul Castro Together, we make up the third world economy, the area with the second largest oil reserve, and the region with greater biodiversity on the planet with a remarkable concentration of the global mineral resources. Read full article. Phi Beta Iota: …

Reward $200 for Copy of Larry Silverstein on History Saying WTC 7 Was a Controlled Demolition

We’re looking for a copy of a televised interview that aired in either late 2003 or early 2004 on The History Channel’s Sunday morning program. Asked what took down WTC 7: Silverstein’s unforgettable reply: “Building 7 was a controlled demolition for safety reasons,” according to an engineer who was watching the program that morning. We’re …