Review: Margin of Victory – Five Battles that Changed the Face of Modern War

Col Dr Doug Macgregor Speaking Truth to Power — Senator McCain Agrees, the Flag Officers Do Not 5 Stars Margin of Victory is a hugely important book that should be required reading in all of the war colleges, as well as all national security programs in political science and international relations courses across the country. …

Robert Heibel: EUROPOL Recommends Member States Increase OSINT Capacity

EUROPOL recommends Member States to increase their OSINT capacity to monitor social media and the use of technologies by terrorists According to the last  Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) recently published by EUROPOL – the  European Union’s law enforcement agency – there is an increasing convergence between cybercrime and terrorism. Indeed, “Terrorists are becoming …

Phantom Phixer: Marijuana — Feel the Love….

US Attorney General Finally Admits Marijuana Isn’t a Gateway Drug — Prescription Pills Are While discussing how heroin abuse and how individuals often develop an addiction, Lynch argued:“[I]ndividuals [start out] with a prescription drug problem, and then because they need more and more, they turn to heroin. It isn’t so much that marijuana is the …

Berto Jongman: Lessons Learned on Counter-Terrorism — A History of Failure

What lessons should be learnt from 15 years of counter-terror and stabilisation? By aiding and abetting abuse, corruption and bad governance in Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan, Western actors fell into the ‘stabilisation trap’: trading away a long-term focus on rights and governance for short-term stability – but ultimately guaranteeing abusive governance, chronic instability and deep …

Berto Jongman: Nicolas Kayser-Bril – “Truth is a Niche Market” – Publishers Have No Interest in the Truth

This essay was written for the Retreat Conference 2016 organized at Athens, Greece, on September 24th, 2016. Data-driven journalism in the post-truth public sphere The novelty of the 2010’s is the disdain of public figures for the truth. Michael Gove, quoted above, justified lying not by producing an excuse immediatly as Machiavelli advised, but by …

Robert Steele: Reflections on The People’s Army, The Constitution, & Grand Strategy

These are my personal views that do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Defense or any element thereof. Reflections on The People’s Army, The Constitution, & Grand Strategy Robert David Steele DOC (11 Pages) Short URL: The People’s Army – the Continental Army rooted in home-spun militias – was formed and …

Stephen E. Arnold: LinkedIn Censorship — Blocking Post on The Madness of Hillary Clinton

Instance of the LinkedIn Blue Pencil Steele says: Yesterday I was censored by LinkedIn when I tried to post a story [by someone else] on “The Madness of Queen Hillary.” Coming as it does in the aftermath of Google manipulating both search and spam results in favor of Hillary Clinton, Facebook blocking YouTubes from Alex …