David Swanson: Not Impeaching Bush Is Sure Paying Off!

Not Impeaching Bush Is Sure Paying Off! Many loyal Republicans opposed impeaching George W. Bush.  So did most liberal and progressive activist groups, labor unions, peace organizations, churches, media outlets, journalists, pundits, organizers, and bloggers, not to mention most Democratic members of Congress, most Democrats dreaming of someday being in Congress, and — toward the …

4th Media: Syrian Rebels Retreating, Caught with Chemical Weapons — Call for End to Dictatorships in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrein

Al Nusra Front, a Key Syrian Rebel Force and a Foreign Terrorist Group Declared by US State Dept, Arrested with Chemical Weapons in Istanbul Syria claims sarin seizure at rebel hideout as Russia ‘blocks’ UN’s Qusair resolution If the Syrian Dictator Must Go… Why Not the Dictators in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain? Hillary Clinton: …

Berto Jongman: Admiral Lyons on Benghazi as October Surprise

This has been the US right-wing’s position all along. Retired 4 star Admiral Blows Whistle on Benghazi new Evidence EXTRACT This apparent abduction by terrorists of our ambassador and then negotiated trade for the Blind Sheikh would have been the “October Surprise” that would have elevated President Obama’s flagging popularity and boosted his approval ratings …

Berto Jongman: US Public Diplomacy – Time for Competence?

Novel Suggestion: A Qualified Nominee for America’s Next Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy? By Patricia H. Kushlis Whirled View, Saturday, 25 May 2013 Will persistence pay off or does hope just spring eternal? The former would be nice. On May 24, 2013, 51 former US Ambassadors and senior US government officials with extensive overseas and …

David Swanson: Shattered Hopes in Palestine — Boycott Israel is People’s Solution

An Endless “Peace Process” for Palestine By davidswanson – Posted on 27 May 2013 The United States balances its endless war of terrorism with the institution of an endless “peace process” for Palestine, a process valuable for its peaceyness and interminability. Josh Ruebner’s new book, Shattered Hopes: The Failure of Obama’s Middle East Peace Process, …

Neal Rauhauser: National Defense University’s New Directions

National Defense University’s New Directions I recently finished NDU’s Convergence, which is a collection of monographs on illicit networks. Queued up right behind it New Directions in U.S. National Security Strategy, Defense Plans, and Diplomacy: A Review of Official Strategic Documents, which I finished a first review of last night. The book collects seven important strategic …