Review: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds – American Intelligence Agency Report on the Megatrends, Gamechangers, and Black Swans of the Future, the Rise of China, Alternative World Scenarios

CIA National Intelligence Council 3.0 out of 5 stars Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts, December 27, 2012 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to a national or corporate leader, and generally nothing new. To …

2012 Robert Steele Proposal for a World Brain Institute and Development of a Global Game

Proposal for a World Brain Institute and Development of a Global Game ·Transhumanism, December 26, 2012 [Editor’s Note: The World Brain was  proposed in collection of essays by H. G. Wells, wherein Wells describes his vision of the world brain: essentially a free, synthetic, universal, authoritative, and permanent “World Encyclopaedia” very much like today’s Wikipedia. Wells imagined this resource would help world …

Review: Reducing Uncertainty: Intelligence Analysis and National Security

Thomas Fingar 5.0 out of 5 stars World Class on Iran — And Sad Summary of Shallowness Everywhere Else, December 21, 2012 UPDATED 12 OCT 2015 to elevate to five stars in recognition of the author’s extraordinary professionalism and honesty in assuring that the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) for Iran done in 2007 documented its …

Reference: Atlantic Council Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for a Post-Western World

Document:  Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for a Post-Western World (Atlantic Council, 10 December 2030) Executive Summary Agree that we are at a potentially historic transition point.  However, the Atlantic Council lacks the strategic analytic model to make the most of its otherwise formidable brain trust.  Agree on the need for a new mental map, but …

2012 Global Trends 2030: Review by Robert Steele — Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts

NOTE:  This is the final report with new comments.  Comments were made on the earlier elements of this report on year ago.  Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP Best External Snapshot: 2012-12-10 Nicole Gaouette, Four ‘Megatrends’ Reshaping the World: U.S. Intelligence (BloombergBusinessweek) New technologies, dwindling resources and explosive population growth in the …