DefDog: Modern Leadership as Self-Deception & Public Lies

Important enough to reproduce in full. 5GWTF: Calculation and Control Politics is mostly marketing, and power is mostly pursued by those who would abuse it. After centuries of highly consistent behavior patterns among elected officials, there is little point in getting angry about politicians, lying. This is a basic matter of tradecraft and daily routine, …

Review (Guest): The Dark Sahara: America’s War on Terror in Africa

Jeremy Keenan Phi Beta Iota:  See Berto Jongman: Algeria Fronting for US in Fabricating Al Qaeda Threat and Legitimizing US Military Occupation of Sahara? for a short-hand version of the book.  On balance and sight unseen we give the book four stars for provocation, while respecting the guest review below as being meritorious in its …

SchwartzReport: US Court Orders Tobacco Companies to Admit Lying — But Higher Court Has Blocked Mandate of Graphic Images

US court orders tobacco firms to admit lying A US judge has ordered tobacco firms to pay for a public campaign laying out “past deception” over smoking risks. The ruling sets out the wording of a series of “corrective statements” that the companies are being told to make over a period of up to two …

Michel Bauwens: Richard Heinberg on End of Economic Growth

YouTube (57:27)  The End of Economic Growth – Richard Heinberg in Australia Click Above to Watch Video Published on Oct 5, 2012 by danimations80 Journalist and author Richard Heinberg has dedicated his life to understanding the notion of ‘The End of Economic Growth’, why it is upon us and how humanity should best prepare and …

Review (Guest): The Penguin and the Leviathan – How Cooperation Triumphs over Self-Interest

Yochai Benkler Robert Steele: This review is so useful in its summary and links to other books that it is being cross-posted to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog. Both this book and its virtual sidekick, Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive completely miss the point of Statecraft as …