Owl: WikiLeaks Posts 30,000 Searchable Emails — Could Russians Give Trump the Others as an “October Surprise”?

30,000 emails is not that many — highly likely she held back most of the emails on Wall Street, Saudi, and Israeli conflicts of interest — cash to the Clinton Foundation for US war-mongering policies. Noteworthy that Facebook censored this — Trump should demand an investigation into value of the undeclared in kind financial contributions …

Jon Rappoport: Huffington Post Censors Post on Connection between Merck, Vaccinations, and Autism

Merck, Huff Po, Vaxxed: the censorship connection Six steps to Huff Po blackout heaven Recently, long-time blogger/columnist for the Huffington Post, Lance Simmens, wrote an article in which he made positive comments about the film, Vaxxed (trailer). Huffington Post censored Simmens’ article. His account with Huff Po was blocked without explanation. Read full post for …

Hal Berghel: Secretocracy

Secretocracy Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Secretocracy is an insidious, anti-democratic form of government sustained by secrecy and defined by an ill-informed body politic. Securocrats, and the military–industrial complex that feeds on them, increasingly use computing technology to prevent the electorate from accessing complete information. PDF (5 Pages): Secretocracy Full text below the …

Sepp Hasslberger: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with Comments from Phi Beta Iota Editors

This is about de-centralising the net, distributing the data to the periphery where it’s needed, rather than running everything through big data pipes and central servers… HTTP is obsolete. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web HTTP is broken. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia …

Review: Prescription for a World Crisis. Global Outlook, Issue 13 Annual 2009, False Flag Operations, How Wars Are Started By False Flag Operations. (Global Outlook)

Fred Burks 5 Star Mind-Expanding Modern Equivalent of Whole Earth Catalog or Anarchists Cookbook I consider this the New Age counterpart to the first Whole Earth Catalog, a non-violent alternative to the Ararchist Cookbook. As with most publications where passion is paramount, I retain a reserve of caution on perhaps 20% of the content, but …

The Future: Recent “Core” Work by Robert Steele UPDATED

استخدام جوجل ترجمة للقراءة باللغة العربية 使用谷歌翻译在中国阅读 Использование Google Translate для чтения на русском языке Google Türkçe Oku Çevir kullanın SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Future Big Ideas: Applied Collective Intelligence, Information Peacekeeping, Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) — creating a prosperous world at peace by achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at  10% – 25% of existing …