Mini-Me: Empire Flames on the Edges, Loses the Backyard

Huh? Latin America to be Innovative in Rio+20 Prensa Latina, 2 April 2012 Quito, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Latin America is the only region with capacity to propose innovative initiatives at the World Conference on Sustainable Development Río+20 in the context of today’s global crisis, said Mario Ruales, advisor for Environmental Affairs. Ruales told Prensa …

Robert Steele: World Brain / Global Game Update with Concept for School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance and Centre for Multinational Multiagency Multidisciplinary Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2)

As the global economy collapses and increasing numbers recognize that no one is addressing our common problems with intelligence and integrity, it seems like a good time to quickly survey the state of the World Brain /Global Game. Here are a few headlines with short comments. 2011-07-07 Complex Global Issues Explored in the World Brain …

Berto Jongman: Humanitarian Aid & Forgotten Conflicts

Some important connections drawn between aid, corruption, and positive change; and also important omissions — conflicts out of the news where paying attention could make a difference. Singling Out Forgotten Conflicts The ISN Blog, 15 March 2012 A popular method for identifying which conflicts necessitate more attention from the international community is to estimate the …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update

Syria: The Syrian army seized Idlib and rebels, activist Noureddin al-Abdo said on 14 March. Al-Abdo said fighting stopped on the night of 13 March, the Free Syrian Army has withdrawn and regime forces are performing house-to-house searches. News reports also reported the start of another army sweep operation in Dara’a, at the opposite end …

Review: Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe – The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis

Richard Cottrell Startling, Offers a Wealth of New Information, February 19, 2012 EDIT of 6 May 2012 to acknowledge fixed made by publisher for new edition after review, change title, and increase to five stars. I was given this book as a gift. I do not normally seek-out conspiracy literature, but in the aftermath of …

2013: The Evolving Craft of Intelligence 3.6 As Published

The Evolving Craft of Intelligence [Version 3.1] Robert David Steele There is little desire in the developed intelligence nations to see the craft of intelligence evolve in line with the revolutions in information technology and globalization. Indeed, it can safely be said that most leaders with access to intelligence services do not value them—they are …