David Swanson: Groups Call on Congress to Cut “Runaway” Military Spending by 25-50%

Groups Call on Congress to Make Massive Cuts in Runaway Military Spending A diverse array of organizations today launched a campaign to enact major cuts in wasteful military spending, as part of the December 13 federal budget resolution. The groups include peace, human service, economic and environmental justice organizations, food sovereignty and green energy groups, …

Robert Young Pelton: Crowd-Funding the Hunt for Jospeh Kony (Full Text – Foreign Policy October 2013)

ROBERT STEELE: I’ve known RYP for over a decade, perhaps more. I first learned of him when CIA was handing out his book, World’s Most Dangerous Places, as the best available primer for case officers going into darkness without bodyguards or armor (which is what real case officers do, don’t get me started on the …

Review (Guest): The Man Who Killed Kennedy – The Case Against LBJ

Roger J. Stone Is this the Penultimate CIA hangout position, or just another “Case Closed?”, October 22, 2013 Herbert L. Calhoun This is an interesting theory. In fact it is a slightly more robust and sophisticated off-shoot of the “renegade CIA officers did it” theory. However, the critical element — of linking it to Clint …