2014 Steele on Intelligence in Ecuador (English)

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Ecuador This is the English-language version full text online. The version presented in Spanish with photographs of the event and other links is: 2014 Robert Steele en Ecuador: LA IMPORTANCIA DE LAS RELACIONES CIVICO – MILITARES EN EL PROCESO DE profesionalización DE LOS SERVICIOS DE INTELIGENCIA PDF (English with Notes): PDF Steele in …

2014 Robert Steele Applied Collective Intelligence

Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-ACI As published: Spanda CI–Applied collective intelligence Citation: Steele, R.D. (2014) “Applied Collective Intelligence: Human-Centric Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything,” Spanda Journal (Vol. 2, pp 127-137) ABSTRACT: The emerging discipline of Collective Intelligence (CI) has been mis-directed by a combination of the faddish focus on “wisdom of the crowds” …

Yoda: Tom Steyer to Go After Fracking?

Convergence, have we. Tom Steyer Rejoices over Brown’s Speech Steyer called Brown’s three stated goals for reducing carbon pollution by 2015 “exemplary.” Those goals included raising the amount of electricity gleaned from renewable sources from one-third to one-half, reducing the present usage of petroleum by vehicles by 50%, and making buildings double their energy-efficiency while …

Review: Partnership for the Americas – Western Hemisphere Strategy and U.S. Southern Command

James Stavridis 5.0 out of 5 stars Our Best Thinking to Date — We Can Go Much Further, December 24, 2014 This is the pre-cursor book to The Accidental Admiral: A Sailor Takes Command at NATO which I have reviewed most favorably and strongly recommend. This book — while free online as are all NDU …