Y Combinator Hacker News Community’s Model for Info-Sharing & Potential for Collective Intelligence

“Hacker News” has a welcome page and guidelines page offering an overview of what the organizers expect from those planning on posting comments and why it’s good overall for the community.  I (Jason Liszkiewicz) was impressed with this. Hacker News has a solid number of participants and provides a simple and mature format for exploring …

Review: Dear Hacker–Letters to the Editor of 2600

Half of the Priceless Set July 16, 2010 Emmanuel Goldstein I’ve been browsing this marvelous collection–559 pages–all afternoon, and the afternoon has been broken up frequently with outrageous laughter and occasional gasps of disbelief. This book, organized as it is, is vastly more important and easier to read than the original 2600 Magazine letters that …

Profiling Hackers (or Attackers?)…Further Blurring of lines Between Crime & Hacking

The project aims to improve the response to ICT crime and the transnational organised crime groups that may be involved in it, by outlining the criminal profiles of the different types of hackers, with particular emphasis on their possible involvement in transnational organised crime activities and cyber-terrorism. Through a better understanding of hackers, HPP will …