Sepp Hasslberger: HAARP and ChemTrails – Truth Emergent?

A good video compilation of what we know about geoengineering or weather manipulation. The Weather Is Changing Full HAARP Chemtrail Documentary 2014 HD new HD documentary Our Atmosphere is now a weapon!!! People Animals Nature being destroyed HAARP – Ionospheric Weapon System – World War 3 – Artificial Plasma Commun. YouTube (55:08)

Sepp Hasslberger: Graphene Displacing Batteries?

Batteries are out – well not quite yet – but super capacitors are coming. Laser-Induced Graphene Looks to Displace Batteries With Supercapacitors The key attribute of LIG is how comparatively easy it is to produce as opposed to graphene made via chemical vapor deposition. For LIG, all that is needed is a commercial polyimide plastic sheet and …

Sepp Hasslberger: Mosaic Social — Facebook & Google Killer?

What would it take to bring the social net under OUR control… here’s a project Mosaic.Social This is a first draft of a proposal to design and build a user friendly, egalitarian, and decentralized social platform that enables and inspires a mass of cooperative participants to come together as a powerful movement.   . . .  …

Sepp Hasslberger: How Would Nature Design A Financial System? Community Credit!

Credit is just as good as money. We can give each other credit. That means we can use our own money, no longer depending on the banks and the speculators… Community Credit: The Next Generation of Financial Architecture How would nature design a financial system? What we can see today, if we choose to look …

Sepp Hasslberger: Swiss Citizen’s Initiative to Take Money Creation Away from Commercial Banks

Citizens’ initiative in Switzerland to take money creation away from commercial banks. Next step is debate and then a referendum of all Swiss citizens. Swiss citizens’ initiative collects 105,000 signatures, triggers referendum on Money Creation With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks …

Sepp Hasslberger: Water Desalination with Shock Waves

A new, less complicated method of purifying water of salt and contaminants… could become very useful. Research team invents efficient shockwave-based process for desalination of water Now a team at MIT has come up with an innovative approach that, unlike most traditional desalination systems, does not separate ions or water molecules with filters, which can …