Michel Bauwens: The Structural Communality of the Commons

The Structural Communality of the Commons Thus, commons structurally generate responsibility on the part of their participants for preserving the resource and the collective relationships, while markets generally do not. Commoners are in charge of shaping the social relationships involved; therefore, they can take responsibility for their actions. However, this also entails their responsibility to …

Michel Bauwens: Nondominium and the Commons

Using Nondominion to Evolve from Local to Global Commons * Paper: From Local to Global Commons. Applying Ostrom’s Key Principles for Sustainable Governance. By Valnora Leister and Mark Frazier. Abstract “This paper explores a possible new local-to-global system for the equitable governance of the “common pool resources.” As normally understood, the “Commons” refers to resources …

Michel Bauwens: Global Commons Movement to Meet in Berlin May 2013

The global commons movement is gathering again Submitted by George Pór on Sat, 10/20/2012 – 16:37 After the highly successful 1st International Commons Conference, there will be a second and even larger international gathering focused on the Economics of the Commons, in Berlin, May 2013. Organized by the Commons Strategies Group (with support of the Heinrich Böll …

Michel Bauwens: Elinor Ostrom discusses commons, climate change and green politics with Derek Wall 2012

Interview with the late Professor Elinor Ostrom, to date the only woman to win the Nobel for economics, on environmental issues, commons and her time at Beverley Hills High. The interview took place in the Excel centre, London. March 2012. Sadly Professor Ostrom died in June 2012, she was a visionary who put her ideas …

Michel Bauwens: Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons | Red Pepper

Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons | Red Pepper Michel Bauwens examines how collaborative, commons-based production is emerging to challenge capitalism. Below, Hilary Wainwright responds Capitalism in its present form is facing limits, especially resource limits, and in spite of the rapid growth of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) …