Yoda: Lockheed Martin F-35 – The Poster Child for Military-Industrial-Congressional Corruption, Idiocy, & Yes, Treason…

$14 billion for each jet, only 100 so far all vulnerable to easy shoot down, no extra charge for poisoning pilot with badly executed stealth toxins? Think, we should. Pentagon Weapons Tester Shoots Down Lockheed’s F-35 The $400bn F-35 is ‘not on a path to success’: Damning test report warns fighter jet is ‘running out …

Antechinus: Panama Papers, “Corruption” as a Propaganda Weapon

The Panama Papers, ‘Corruption’ as a Propaganda Weapon Mainstream Western journalism no longer even tries to apply common standards to questions about corruption. If you’re a favored government, there might be lamentations about the need for more “reform” – which often means slashing pensions for the elderly and cutting social programs for the poor – …

Mongoose: US Corruption Goes Parabolic — Bitchain as a Control Vehicle for Confiscating Money

The Corruption In The U.S. Has Reached Insane Levels – Dave Kranzler A digital currency system not only will enable the Government to monitor everything you do with your money, it will also enable them to more easily “corral” any money you keep in a bank in order to use that capital for the bail-ins which …

Antechinus: Flawed Models, Government-Industry Corruption on Regulation of Toxic Chemicals

Flawed Models and Industry Influence Affects Regulation of Toxic Chemicals The EPA regularly contracts with for-profit consultancies to perform risk assessments used in evaluations of toxic chemicals. This gives these private organizations considerable sway in the decision-making process, often with little transparency about ties to chemical manufacturers. Health effects researchers point to flawed computer simulations and …

Eric Zuesse: How Corruption Cripples US Military

How Corruption Cripples America’s Military America’s military budget is roughly 7.2 times that of Russia ($610 billion compared to $84.5 billion), but even Western news-accounts are saying that the weaponry produced in Russia is superior overall to the weaponry produced in the United States.

Cynthia McKinney: Reflections on Uber-Corruption

Uber-corruption? New taxi service threatens good-paying US jobs while enriching a few insiders Uber, with Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street insiders as investors, including the Chicago Mayor’s brother, Ari Emanuel, is putting at risk thousands of jobs nationwide while the taxi industry undergoes a game-changing transformation. Phi Beta Iota: The article contains some deep …