Chuck Spinney: Cartographic Games Divorced from Reality – Daniel Neep on The Middle Eastern Example

Below is a brilliant essay that shows how cartographic hallucinogenics can capture one’s Orientation and create an incestuously amplifying* decision cycle that disconnects a “policy” maker from real world. * Note to new readers: For an explanation of how “incestuous amplification” operates to disconnect a decision maker from the exigencies of the real world read my essay, Incestuous …

Chuck Spinney: Trevor Timm on Media, Hersh, & Bin Laden PLUS Phi Beta Iota: Did Patsy — and SEALS — Die to Re-Elect Obama?

Madison’s Farce In Action: The media’s disgraceful reaction to Seymour Hersh’s bin Laden Report EXTRACT In an ideal world, Hersh’s report would trigger more investigative journalism.  Yet despite its obvious importance, as Trevor Timm explains below in the Columbia Journalism Review, the mainstream media’s reaction to the Hersh report has not been to dig deeper, …

Chuck Spinney: Why the Toleration of Brilliant Eccentricity Should Be a Metric for Military Vitality

Why the Toleration of Brilliant Eccentricity Should Be a Metric for Military Vitality EXTRACT Of course, those prone to doctrinaire thinking always make up the majority, and the careerists at the top of the greasy pole of blind ambition view these few eccentrics as crazy lunatics, as royal pains in the ass, and most importantly, …

Chuck Spinney: Maj Paul J. Tremblay, USMC Produces Original Expansion on Ideas of Col John Boyd, USAF — BRAVO ZULU!

EXTRACT from Spinney’s long comment: Attached below is a masters thesis written by Major Paul J. Tremblay,** USMC as part of his study in the Command and Staff College of the U.S. Marine Corps.  In my opinion, Tremblay has produced precisely the kind idea expansion that Colonel Boyd was trying to inspire with his Discourse. …

Chuck Spinney: Stephen Cohen with the Truth on Ukraine — US Government, New York Times, & Think Tanks Cannot Be Trusted to Know or Communicate the Truth…

Part 1 of a two part series — This interview with Professor Stephen Cohen provides a very useful, and I believe largely accurate, portrayal of why our policy toward Russia has gone off the rails and could lead to a 2nd Cold War that is even more dangerous than the first — with one serious omission, IMO.  …

Chuck Spinney: Iranian Ambassador Itemizes Lies & Misrepresentations by Israel’s Prime Minister

The author of the below op-ed is the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations.  It is worth reading carefully, because  this op-ed is well sourced, and Ambassador Khoshroo’s argument with respect to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s penchant for threat inflation can be compared to Gareth Porter’s history of Israel’s gaming to the Iranian threat.  Netanyahu’s Nuclear Deceptions A …

Chuck Spinney: Balanced Assessment of Ukraine

Jonathan Steele reviews Richard Sakwa’s important new book, “Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands.” Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands by Richard Sakwa review – an unrivalled account At last, a balanced assessment of the Ukrainian conflict – the problems go far beyond Vladimir Putin Jonathan Steele, Guardian, 19 February 2015 05.29 EST