Mongoose: Deep State Infected Blacks with Syphillis and Planned Operation Northwoods — and You Don’t Think They Will Kill Kids and Weaponize Vaccines?

These Horrors Hidden For More Than 40 Years Prove That The ‘Deep State’ Is Capable Of Having Children Murdered In ‘False Flag Event’ To Disarm America “Why would a government that infected black men with a venereal disease and then did not treat them so they could watch the horrible progress of the disease before …

Jon Rappoport: Robert De Niro and Robert Kennedy Jr. Challenge World on Toxic Mercury in Vaccines

ROBERT DE NIRO AND ROBERT KENNEDY HOLDING PRESS CONFERENCE NOW ANNOUNCING TOXIC MERCURY IN VACCINES They will give $100,000 to anyone who can show one published study that proves mercury in flu vaccines—at the levels it is injected—is safe. The press conference will begin at 9:15am EST. National Press Club here. This is named THE WORLD …

Jon Rappoport: Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Devastating Quotes on Vaccines and the CDC

Robert F Kennedy Jr’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC Boom—how and why the CDC can foist toxic vaccines on the American people< From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up …

Jon Rappoport: CDC As Criminal Enterprise — Vaccines Cause Autism, CDC Represses Evidence and Lies to the Public

CDC vaccine whistleblower and the silence that kills Bombshell: CDC commits new vaccine-autism crime Phi Beta Iota: Both the CDC and the FDA represent the special interests busy looting the public treasury; in no way are they committed to public health or the public interest. See Also:  CDC @ Phi Beta Iota   .   FDA @ …

Sepp Hasslberger: Plumbing (Not Vaccines) Eradicated Disease

Basic hygiene… so why was it again that we needed vaccines? How Plumbing (Not Vaccines) Eradicated Disease EXTRACT This resistance to bathing was brought across the Atlantic to America, influencing habits all the way into the 1800s. In 1835, Philadelphia almost passed an ordinance forbidding wintertime bathing. Ten years later, Boston did outlaw bathing, except …