Berto Jongman: Harvard to Journal Publishers – Piss Off! Open Access Here We Come…

Harvard University says it can’t afford journal publishers’ prices University wants scientists to make their research open access and resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls Exasperated by rising subscription costs charged by academic publishers, Harvard University has encouraged its faculty members to make their research freely available through open access journals and to …

Berto Jongman: Ebola Update — Going Airborne? What To Worry About — and Laurie Garrett on THE Countermeasures Obama Should Be Forcing NOW

NEWER: Experts fear Ebola virus COULD spread through the air and not just through contact with bodily fluids ‘Unqualified assurances that Ebola is not spread through the air are “misleading”.’ NEW: Ebola Fears Drive LaGuardia’s Airplane Cleaners to Strike Ebola: Still No Time to Lose The above post is adapted from the book No Time …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia at the Highest Levels Including Law Enforcement — The “Untouchables”

Operation Yewtree: New Sex Abuse Suspects are ‘Untouchable’ Senior Policemen and Politicians The names of at least 12 public figures, including policemen and politicians, have been passed on to police investigating claims of historic sexual abuse. Investigative reporter Mark Williams Thomas passed on the names to officers working under Operation Yewtree, the Metropolitan Police inquiry …

Berto Jongman: ISIS — What We Do Not Know and How NOT to “Understand” ISIS

Most interesting for its itemization of what the US does NOT know about ISIS. How Not To Understand ISIS EXTRACT I should begin by emphasizing that our knowledge of ISIS is extremely scant. We know close to nothing about ISIS’ social base. We know little about how it made its military gains, and even less …

Reflections: The New Story — Open Source Everything — The People’s World Brain

I’ve been invited to participate in The New Story Summit in Scotland, and they are paying all expenses, which matters since I have no salary, no pensions, and no savings. The event is closed now to further registration, but open to any who wish to take advantage of the live streaming portions. For myself, with …