Review: The Big Disconnect – Why the Internet Hasn’t Transformed Politics (Yet)

Micah Sifry 5.0 out of 5 stars Should Be Top Ten Book Across All Progressive Communities, October 5, 2014 This is one of the most useful important books I have read in the past couple of years, and I am stunned that the publisher has failed to properly present the book for purchase on Amazon. …

Reflections: The New Story — Open Source Everything — The People’s World Brain

I’ve been invited to participate in The New Story Summit in Scotland, and they are paying all expenses, which matters since I have no salary, no pensions, and no savings. The event is closed now to further registration, but open to any who wish to take advantage of the live streaming portions. For myself, with …


For All Book Reviews (Robert Steele & Guest), use Reviews. Books By and With Robert Steele (includes Amazon links and free online links). All books available for translation into any foreign language, email robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com to discuss. Translations of chapters or entire books will be posted at Phi Beta Iota as they …

2014 The National Intelligence Strategy of the USA — 3 Strikes and Out

(U) 2014 US National Intelligence Strategy STRIKE ONE: Refuses counterintelligence on domestic enemies. STRIKE TWO: Refuses Whole of Government. STRIKE THREE: Refuses Acquisition. The six sucking chest wounds identified in 1990 continue. HUMINT/CI are dead in the water, followed by OSINT and mature holistic analytics integrating true cost economics. We continue to process 1% of …