Event: 27 Dec 2012 Hamburg DE Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime

Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime Blowing the Whistle on Spying, Lying & Illegalities in the Digital Era Featuring Thomas Drake, William Binney, and Jessaelyn Radack With the post 9/11 rise of the leviathan national security state, the rule of law in the …

Robert Steele: Big Four Audit Firms “Not Our Job to Detect Fraud”

I do not make this stuff up.  Of course one has to recognize that “best practices” are defined to favor the larger players, and the larger players are very interested in things like import-export pricing fraud and other less than ethical tax avoidance strategies.  But the idea that the Big Four do not consider it …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Transparency

THE MEANING OF TRANSPARENCY, AND MORE FROM CRS President Obama’s declared goal of making his “the most transparent Administration in history” generated successive waves of enthusiasm, perplexity, frustration, and mockery as public expectations of increased openness and accountability were lifted sky high and then — often, not always — thwarted. Every Administration including this one …

James A. Lyons: Admiral, Former PACFLT, Calls for Obama to “Come Clean” on Benghazi

Retired Pacific Fleet commander calls for Obama to “come clean” on Benghazi John Hayward Human Events, 30 October 2012 Retired Admiral James A. Lyons, former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, published a tough editorial in the Washington Times on Sunday, calling for President Obama to “come clean on what happened in Benghazi.”  Lyons describes …

Mini-Me: WIll De-Classified Watergate Archives Document CIA Orders to Murder US Citizens Including Jack Anderson, and CIA Break-Ins Within the USA?

Huh? Judge Orders DOJ to Justify Secrecy of Watergate-era Wiretaps The BLT Blog of Legal Times, November 02, 2012 A federal judge in Washington today ordered the U.S. Justice Department to justify the continued need for secrecy over certain Watergate-era wiretap and grand jury records that remain sealed in a high-profile criminal prosecution. Chief Judge …