Review: The Christian Gospel for Americans – A Systematic Theology by David Ray Griffin

5 Stars — Re-Boots Christianity for Americans David Ray Griffin is a GIANT as a theologian and leading proponent for “process” theology, which holds that God is not a transcendent eternal and unchanging being but God is immanently involved in the world, God’s very being unfolding in space and time, nature, history and culture. The …

Robert Steele: Coronavirus (and 5G) are a Counterintelligence Challenge — Has President Given the Orders? UPDATE: Ben Fulford Says Yes…

Today I am worried about the re-seeding of the biowarfare version of the coronavirus in a deliberate attempt by the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly to undermine the election of Donald  Trump, continue to profit from massive insider trading, and under cover of the corona virus, assassinate hundreds if not thousands of pesky anti-Zionists …

Alexandra Bruce: Burisma Whistleblower Bombshell — Bidens, Clintons, Democrats Stole Almost All of the US Aid Money Given to Ukraine

Burisma Whistleblower Bombshell A high-level person currently at Burisma Holdings in Ukraine is in possession of many documents that expose how the company has been used to steal virtually all of the money coming to Ukraine from USAID and how this money was diverted, laundered and kicked back. Click title above for source.  Entire article …

Robert Steele: Are Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko Going to Be Sued by President Donald Trump for Malicious Defamation, Perjury, & Tortious Interference? Paul Sperry Starts the Story, I Offer an Ending

As a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) clandestine service officer (spy), back in the day when men were real men and we were obscenely proud of having the highest rates of alcoholism, adultery, divorce, and suicide (I have 23 professional suicides on my list, it’s a serious problem), I am outraged to have a modern-day …

Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022

Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022 TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times. President Donald Trump is a genius. The “new” Palestine Peace Plan is a promising …