Tom Atlee: Derivatives as Fatal Cancer Discussion and Links Short URL: Dear friends, I’m interested in derivatives as a symbol of an economic system that’s NOT based on productivity that satisfies real human needs.  Derivatives are contracts that shift risk from players who are risk averse (and want insurance against loss) to players who have an appetite for risk (and want a …

Chuck Spinney: Is Climate Science Like the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (III)?

As I have indicated in earlier blasters, I find the parallels between the political forces corrupting defense “science” and climate “science” to be stunning (e.g., directly here or more subtly here). Attached is a very thoughtful piece by the distinguished Australian scientist Garth Paltridge.  His subject is the psychological state of play in the politicization of climate science, …

David Isenberg: SPIEGEL – The President of Disappointments

Worth reading. SPIEGEL 06/14/2012 05:49 PM The President of Disappointments How Obama Has Failed to Deliver By Ullrich Fichtner, Marc Hujer and Gregor Peter Schmitz Barack Obama entered the White House as a savior. But he hasn’t delivered. The ideological chasms in the US are as deep as they have ever been, with Republicans blocking the …

Owl: US Government Criminality from Local to National

Government larceny and criminality just never ends, it seems to be increasing, especially against those who can least to afford to defend themselves against it: Another Way to Kill Small U.S. Farmers: Seize Their Bank Accounts on Phony Charges The farmers, Randy Sowers and his wife Karen, made deposits totaling more than $295,000 from May …