Reference: Why Spy? The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence

Search led to this.  Thank you. Why Spy? The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence by Stanley Kober Stanley Kober is a research fellow in foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute. Executive Summary America’s intelligence agencies should devote their resources to the most serious security threats, principally international terrorism and adverse political trends. Instead, the …

Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Full Text: Note on financial reform from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 2011-10-24 Vatican Radio Please find, below, an unofficial translation of the Note on the reform of the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority, released Monday by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. ****************** Pontifical …

David Isenberg: Rise and Fall of Covert Operations

The Rise And Rise Of Western Covert Ops By Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent, October 18, 2011 WASHINGTON — Four months ago, Admiral William McRaven commanded the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. Now, as the new head of U.S. special forces, he argues that his shadowy, secretive warriors are increasingly central to how …

Gordon Cook: On the State of Economics – An Exchange Dedicated to #OWS and Society Achieving a Broader Understanding

Here is the final paragraph from an essay by John Kay titled The Map is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics The preposterous claim that deviations from market efficiency were not only irrelevant to the recent crisis but could never be relevant is the product of an environment in which deduction …