Tom Atlee: Global Interdependence Movements Et Al

GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS, DECLARATIONS AND DAYS by Tom Atlee It is so good to celebrate INdependence Days in the United States and the many other countries that have successfully gained and defended their independence from colonial rule. For countries as well as individuals, independence is a dramatic move from dependence into a more self-defined, self-created …

Bob Gates, Chief Maintenance Clerk, Talks Crap — and the Wall Street Journal Goes Along…

The Gates Farewell Warning America can be a superpower or a welfare state, but not both. Phi Beta Iota Sidenote: BOTH of the above “choices” are corruption incarnate.  The correct choice was articulated by Thomas Jefferson: “A Nation’s best defense is an educated citizenry.” EXTRACT: In a series of farewell speeches, Mr. Gates has warned …

4 Trends Shaping the Emerging “Superfluid” Economy

4 Trends Shaping the Emerging “Superfluid” Economy Venessa Miemis | May 9, 2011 This post originally appeared on’s Global Public Square. Humanity and technology continue to co-evolve at an ever increasing pace, leaving traditional institutions (and mindsets) calcified and out of date. A new paradigm is emerging, where everything is increasingly connected and the nature …