Robert Parry: The Day After Damascus Falls

The Day After Damascus Falls Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance has gone on the offensive, ramping up a “regime change” war in Syria and, in effect, promoting a military victory for Al-Qaeda or its spinoff, the Islamic State. But the consequences of that victory could toll the final bell for the American Republic, writes Robert Parry.

Chuck Spinney: US Military Corruption Continues

President Obama claimed that America’s combat mission Afghan War was over in his SoU address, but 9,800 troops will remain in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future involved in training and counterterrorism missions.  This mission of this left over force has officially been changed to “Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.” To date, the U.S. has spent over $780 billion …

SchwartzReport: Congressman Confesses 9 Crimes — #ElectoralReform

The Congress has become so fundamentally degraded we are beginning to see whistleblowers telling us the suppressed truth. This is the state of American democracy, and it is not a happy story. Not particularly his first point, that Congresspersons are not out of touch with the people that elect them. Ultimately in a democracy people …

Michael Flynn: Obama Delusional, CIA Unprofessional [PBI: and USDI a Waste]

Former Defense Intel Chief Blasts Obama Lt. General Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, blasted the Obama administration’s approach to the War on Terror in a hard-hitting speech to a meeting of intelligence professionals. “The dangers to the U.S. do not arise from the arrogance of American power, but from unpreparedness or …