Del Spurlock: Call to Arms — The People’s Army

The Objective force is one which maximizes the SECURITY of the American people. The American Security regime is a con and has been since Korea. All players–including Zion and Saud–have an interest in maximizing the INsecurity of the American people. DHS was the last imperial structure to be put in place. PRISM, was designed and …

Marcus Aurelius: SecDef – Six Points, No Bench, No Plan, No Joy — Can CSA Mobilize Carlisle and Re-Invent the US Army in 6 Months?

Attached is a SECDEF speech from two days ago — six main points and the major thrust is things are not going to get better any time soon. PDF (10 Pages): (U) SecDef Six Points 5 NOV 13 Six priorities: First, we will continue to focus on institutional reform. Second, we will re-evaluate our military’s …

Stuart Umpleby: The Triple Bottom Line & Current Challenges

The triple bottom line — people, profits, planet — is a recent business concept.  See We are now facing major issues on all three: 1.  People.  The safety of people is threatened by a)  vulnerable cyber infrastructure.  See the National Geographic video American Blackout; and b) inequality leading to lower standards of living for …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Best Ideas Don’t Always Come From Meetings Critical Review of Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield Doped Up America – 18 Crazy Facts Future of Special Operations (Small Wars Journal) Rethinking the Digital Revolution Timothy Good on UFO Existence Understanding Conciousness

Review: Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies

PRINTABLE DOC (3 Pages): Review Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies Robert Dover (Editor), Michael S. Goodman (Editor), Claudia Hillebrand (Editor) 5.0 out of 5 stars The best collection in English — bold, innovative, essential, October 31, 2013 Routledge’s managing editor for this collection, and the contributing editors themselves, one of whom I know personally, have …