Berto Jongman: Code Name ‘Kid’: American Stasi Spy Tells His Story By Jürgen Dahlkamp

Code Name ‘Kid’: American Stasi Spy Tells His Story  By Jürgen Dahlkamp SPIEGEL, 14 August 2013 One of East Germany’s top spies was actually an American soldier. Jeff Carney defected to the Communist state in 1983 and fed the notorious Stasi with reams of valuable information. He has now written a book about his experiences. …

David Swanson: Obama’s Campaign to Glorify the War on Vietnam

Obama’s Campaign to Glorify the War on Vietnam Wars exist because lies are told about past wars. When President Obama escalated the war on Afghanistan, he revived virtually every known lie about the war on Iraq, from the initial WMD BS to the “surge.”  While Americans remain unfathomably ignorant about the destruction of Iraq, a …

Marcus Aurelius: BREAKING – Defense to Protect Hardware Contracts, Savage the People

There is lot of stuff flying around Pentagon these days.  There is memo that underlies article next below but I haven’t seen it yet, trying to get from Sister service.  Irrespective of your opinion of  publication, this might be very good week to buy  current Army Times (12 Aug 2013) because it has some data and …

SchwartzReport: Embassies Closed for a Week — Should We Question the Spending Choices Made These Past 14 Years?

I think this story is quite extraordinary, but not for the reasons given in the report. This year we will spend approximately $682.5 billion on the military budget and by the best unclassified estimates about $80 billion on the intelligence apparat. Hundreds of thousands of men and women work for these vast entities. Yet 19 …

David Swanson: Deep Dissection of Trans-Pacific Partnership — The Most Evil Reprehensible Impeachable Act To Come Out of Washington in Recent Memory

TPP: The Terrible Plutocratic Plan By David Swanson Remarks July 21, 2013 at an Occupy Harrisonburg (Va.) Event. Make your voice heard here. Thanks to Michael Feikema and Doug Hendren for inviting me.  Like most of you I do not spend my life studying trade agreements, but the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is disturbing enough to …