Paul Craig Roberts: No Jobs for Citizens – Death Spiral

No Jobs For Americans Today (March 9, 2012) the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced that 227,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs were created by the economy during February. Is the government’s claim true? No. Statistician John Williams ( reports that 44,000 of these jobs or 19% consist of an add-on factor derived from the BLS’s …

Eagle: NSA Whistle-Blower: Obama Worse than Bush

NSA whistle-blower: Obama “worse than Bush” Thomas Drake on life inside the National Security Agency and the price of truth telling Matthew Harwood Salon, 7 March 2012 Thomas Drake, the whistle-blower whom the Obama administration tried and failed to prosecute for leaking information about waste, fraud and abuse at the National Security Agency, now works …