Event: 5 Oct 10-11:30 Washington DC Paul Pillar on Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy – Iraq, 9/11 and Misguided Reform

21st Century Defense Initiative Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11 and Misguided Reform A Discussion With Author Paul R. Pillar Book Amazon Page with Summary Review of Book by Robert Steele See Also Book Amazon Page for We Meant Well with Summary Review Also Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 10:00am — 11:30am The Brookings Institution, …

John Steiner: Declaration of Occupation of NYC + Revolution USA RECAP

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Posted on September 30, 2011 by NYCGA This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all …

G.I. Wilson: Killer Drones, Moral Disengagement, + War Crimes RECAP

The Psychology of Killer Drones – action against our foes; reaction affecting us G. I. Wilson Fabius Maximus, 28 September 2011 Summary:  We now have enough experience with drone warfare to study its effects.  Just as in physics, our actions affect ourselves as well as our targets. Social science research shows that drones are a gateway to moral disengagement dehumanization, …

Chuck Spinney: How Incestuous Amplification Leads to Treason

9-11: Incestuous Amplification Highjacks the American OODA Loop Mark Danner has written a brilliant exegesis (also attached below) of how the collective leadership of the United States dragged an entire nation off its moral rails in its reaction to 9-11. It is long but well worth the reading investment. While Danner does not use the …

Marcus Aurelius: The Covert Commander in Chief

The Covert Commander In Chief By David Ignatius Washington Post, September 11, 2011 Pg. 15 It’s an interesting anomaly of Barack Obama’s presidency that this liberal Democrat, known before the 2008 election for his antiwar views, has been so comfortable running America’s secret wars. Phi Beta Iota:  Full story below the line together with a …

DefDog: PSYOP Reading List for Citizens

FYI……some good insight…..it is in the very fabric of society…. Towards a Psychological Operations Reading List Skilluminati Research, 7 September 2011 Defining Psychological Operations is straightforward enough, but determining where exactly it ends is extremely tricky. The US Department of Defense has infiltrated institutions around the world, they expend billions every year on domestic and …

Worth A Look: Understanding 9/11 and 9/11 RECAP

Precedent works: Project for a New American Century Post-Event Illuminations: 2006  Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror 2007 Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years” From Niels Groeneveld at Facebook: VIDEO:  9/11 Attack or Godsend (German and British Ministers) Decision to Invade Afghanistan …