Jean Lievens: Is the Sharing Economy Potentially a Locust Economy Ravaging a Collaborative Economy More Delicate Than Realized?

The Locust Economy Venkat RibbonFarm, 3 April 2013 Last week, I figured out that I am a part-time locust. Here’s how it happened. I was picking the brain of a restauranteur for insight into things like Groupon. He confirmed what we all understand in the abstract: that these deals are terrible for the businesses that …

SchwartzReport: Science is Not About Certainty Rather About Most Reliable Way of Thinking at Present Level of Knowledge

This is a really excellent essay on the nature of science. Rovelli’s observation: “Science is not about certainty. Science is about finding the most reliable way of thinking at the present level of knowledge” is one of the most insightful things I have read about science in a decade. There are also very insightful comments …

Review: 935 Lies – The Future of Truth and the Decline of America’s Moral Integrity

Charles Lewis 5.0 out of 5 stars Title Short-Changes Value — This is One of the Most Important Books of Our Time, July 12, 2014 I’m not thrilled with the title because it implies to the browser that the book is about the 935 now-documented lies that led to the war in Iraq, and that …

2014 INTERVIEW: Thoughts on Open Source Intelligence

Out of Band: Robert David Steele on OSINT Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas sent questions, here are my answers. Hal Burghel: Tell us about open source generally and open source intelligence specifically. Robert David Steele: It’s vital to remember that the whole point of connectivity is to move and make sense of content, …

2014 Robert Steele On Defense Intelligence – Seven Strikes

On Defense Intelligence: Seven Strikes I consider defense intelligence today to be incoherent and ineffective. It has no grasp of the totality of the threat; it is largely worthless in providing SecDef with evidence-based decision support relevant to strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations; and it does not help DoD within the Cabinet when decision-support is …