Monthly CrisisWatch Report N°90, 1 February 2011

CrisisWatch N°90, 1 February 2011 Historic events in the Arab world gripped the world’s attention in January. In Tunisia weeks of escalating riots and demonstrations over dire economic conditions, corruption and government repression culminated in the ouster of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January. He was replaced by an interim government which announced …

Assisi, Egypt, US Hypocrisy, Global Revolution

This is the one link to share if you wish to have a consolidated view on these topics.  The Tiny URL for this consolidated posting is Phi Beta Iota: Egypt is a lever for the Assisi Peace Summit. 1)  Against dictators and corruption, inter-faith dialog and coordinated action is HAPPENING. 2)  The connected young …

INDICATIONS & WARNING: Political Violence Forecasts

Predictive Societal Indicators of Radicalism In collaboration with our academic partners Prof. Cingranelli at the Political Science Department, SUNY Binghamton University and Profs. Sam Bell and Amanda Murdie at the Department of Political Science, Kansas State University, we developed a Domestic Political Violence Model that forecasts political violence levels five years into the future. The …

US Loses Face & Standing with China & Pakistan

NIGHTWATCH Extract China-US: Special comment. International news services broadcast video and translations of Chinese Minister of Defense Liang insulting and hectoring the US, represented by the Secretary of Defense. The Chinese tasked Secretary Gates to defend and to explain to the Chinese why the US sells weapons to Taiwan and conducts naval training in the Yellow …

Crisis Group CrisisWatch N°89, 3 January 2011

Five actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and two improved in December 2010, according to the latest issue of the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatch. Côte d’Ivoire was gripped by political crisis as incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo refused to cede power after losing to rival Alassane Outtara in the late-November presidential …