Reference: American War and Military Casualty Lists & Statistics

Phi Beta Iota: The below reference is of human interest, but lacks context.  Three major follow-on studies are needed, if someone can find a Member of Congress willing to ask for them: 1.  Actual number of amputations including number of limbs per person amputated. 2.  Suicides both while in service and post separation or retirement. …

Reference: Self-Inflicted Wounds–Understanding Islamic Factions

Very important CTC study on internal frictions within the Salafi movement Very important CTC study with a number of high profile and experienced contributors. It should be read by anyone dealing with Islamist movements.  The study is a landmark endeavor–a model to be followed–and hopefully will generate additional studies. Phi Beta Iota: The US Military …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Iran-Pakistan, Iran-Turkey-India, Israel

Iran-Pakistan: Iranian officials on 16 December accused Pakistan of being linked to a 15 December suicide bombing in southeastern Iran. Iran’s deputy minister and chief of security at the Interior Ministry, Ali Abdollahi, said Pakistani officials had ignored Iranian warnings about bases in Pakistan for anti-Iranian elements and had allowed the terrorists to cross into …

NIGHTWATCH Special Report: Afghanistan Taliban Numbers

NightWatch 29 November 2010 Special Report: October in Afghanistan Findings: The number of clashes in October in the NightWatch data base, which contains exclusively open source reports on fighting, remained elevated, at 701. The Taliban “victory” offensive continues. NightWatch estimates this number represents a fourth to a half of the actual total, but it includes …

Reflections on Convergence in 2012, Emergence Unknowable

Executive Summary: Extremes are in active conflict today within the USA, with Transpartisan Upwising being one extreme and the No Labels “Non-Party” being another extreme.  They join the dysfunctional extremists of the two-party tyranny/bi-opoly.  Not yet emergent is a co-creative function that brings together public money, public knowledge, and a public process to create a …

Search: China Fake Gold + Fraud RECAP

2004 Seagrave (US/FR) Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave on Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up! Journal: Banks’ Foreclosure ‘Robo-Signers’ Were Hair Stylists, Teens, Walmart Workers–Lawsuit Journal: China May Demand Physical Gold Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights Labor …