Future Release (7 January 2014): Company Man: Thirty Years of Controvbersy and Crisis in the CIA

Release date: January 7, 2014 Book Description From the “most influential career lawyer in CIA history” (Los Angeles Times) an unprecedented memoir filled with never-before-told stories from his thirty-year career at the center of the U.S. government’s intelligence program (1976-2009). In 1975, fresh out of law school and working a numbing job at the Treasury …

Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?

Global Research  will be publishing a series of articles and reports with a view to promoting “Boston Truth”.  The underlying objective is  to confront and challenge the official version of events concerning the Boston bombings as well as the twisted and convoluted interpretations of the mainstream media. We invite our readers to endorse “Boston Truth” …

Berto Jongman: YouTube Audio (48:10) Sibel Edmunds On Boston Bombing, CIA, and US Empire — US Buying Russian Okay on Invading Syria with Hands Off on Caucasus?

Extraordinary — virtually a monologue drawing on deep FBI knowledge of CIA false flag operations in Caucasus and Central Asia, ties in Turkish role for decades as CIA and NATO silent partner in false flag terrorism across Caucasus and Central Asia, with Graham Fuller, CIA’s man man “a despicable person” and the family of the  …

Gordon Duff: Col James Hanke, USA (Ret) on Five False Flags in USA, Dick Cheney Rogue Chain of Command into JSOG, and Bi-Furcated USG (Both Dual Chains of Command & Competing Rogue Elements) + Boston Meta-RECAP + 5 Comments

WARNING NOTICE:  We have no direct knowledge.  We pray the FBI does its job and gets it right.  In time the truth will reveal itself. Former Army Spymaster Cites “Bifurcated” US Government in False Flag Terrorism by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Yesterday, during a radio talk show hosted by Mike Harris with Dr. James Fetzer …

Theophillis Goodyear: The Second Enlightment Emergent Now — Comment by Bojan Radej

The Second Enlightenment Has Emerged: We Should Call It What It Is Have you ever noticed that there’s no convenient, sufficient, or satisfying way to pull all the threads together of all the inter-related branches of wisdom that we’re always talking about? despite the fact that they all seem to be part of the same …

Search: how much humint is clandestine — Response by Robert Steele + Clandestine Meta-RECAP

ROBERT STEELE:  I have been watching with growing concern as Phi Beta Iota has posted a string of relatively radical posts on the Boston bombing and Texas fertilizer explosion.  As most know, I lean toward transparency, truth, and trust, and the last thing I would want to do is marginalize these voices for truth and …

Reference: 100 Critical Points About 9/11

 100 Critical Points About 9/11 By “Tommy” Introduction/Challenge to ‘Debunkers’: It’s time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these ‘nonsense conspiracy theories’ about 9/11. Ideally, I’m hoping for a 1-4 …