Berto Jongman: UK Army/PhD New Book – NATO Never Understood Afghanistan, Make the Conflict Worse

Nato troops in Afghanistan ‘often made conflict worse’ A Territorial Army captain has resigned to publish a book critical of British actions in Afghanistan. Mr Mike Martin said Nato troops in Helmand province “often made the conflict worse”. He quit his role in the TA after the Ministry of Defence (MoD) refused to give him …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Round Two – Diego Garcia Chartering Cargo Ship Designed for Mass Body Transport?

New Evidence That Flight 370 Was Diverted To US Military Base US Navy Cargo Ship Only Used To Carry People Or Bodies Further evidence has emerged which may support the theory that Malaysian jetliner 370 and its 239 missing passengers and crew were taken to the US military base of Diego Garcia, located to the south …

Berto Jongman: YouTube (1:24:21) Interview on Alien Implants

UFO Sightings The Man Who Removed 17 Alien Implants Legacy Full Length Documentary! The beloved Dr. Roger K. Leir, also known worldwide as the alien implant doctor, passed away Friday March 14, 2014. He leaves behind an enormous legacy of work very few people have had the courage to face. With 17 implants removed over …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 reality check – A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear

Flight 370 reality check: A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear Sunday, March 30, 2014 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) As the conventional news coverage of Flight 370 becomes increasingly delusional and detached from reality, for the sake of all those families and loved ones still …

Berto Jongman: Turkey Buys Chinese Missiles, Separates from NATO — De-Americanization Moves Forward

Turkish missile deal ‘almost done’: Chinese company Chinese firm China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp. (CPMIEC) has made its first public statement on Turkey’s $3.4 billion long-range air and missile defense system, claiming that the finalization of the tender “is almost done.” Wu Yang, the coordinator of the project, spoke at DIMDEX 2014 International Maritime Defence …