Stephen E. Arnold: Search Application Perspectives For 2014

Search Application Perspectives For 2014   With 2014 well under way, search experts are trying to predict what will happen for enterprise search. Search Appliance World has an article that takes a look on enterprise search in the past and future called, “The New Search Appliance Landscape: Reflections And Predictions With MaxxCAT.” Basic search commands …

Stephen E. Arnold: Yales Censors Superior Course Catalog Made By Its Own Students

Yale on Free Expression: A Quote to Note Years ago I gave a lecture at Yale. My subject was Google. I ran through the basic points in The Google Legacy and Google Version 2.0. The audience reacted as if I had dissected a dead frog. I received a smattering of polite applause and headed out …

Stephen E. Arnold: Visual Mining Tool Redesign

Visual Mining Redesign   We are familiar with Visual Mining and its range of dashboard and data visualization software. Currently, Visual Mining has been working on products that help users better understand and analyze actionable business data. Its enterprise software line NetCharts is compatible across all platforms, including mobile and tablets. The company recently released …

Stephen E. Arnold: Only 58% of US-UK Companies and Information Governance Policies

Recommind Survey Shows Stats Related to Information Governance January 16, 2014 The article titled Bridging the Global Information Governance Gap on IDM offers more governance advice from the findings of Recommind’s survey of US and UK companies. The survey posed questions related to information governance (IG), which is “a cross-departmental approach to optimising [sic] the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Been Raped? There’s a List for Sale with Your Name On It…

Data Broker Offered Sensitive Lists for Sale Now this is downright creepy. The Wall Street Journal’s tech site Digits notifies us that “Data Broker Removes Rape-Victims List After Journal Inquiry.” As the headline states, the list has now been removed, but yikes! Medbase200 offered this tragic roster for sale, along with ones listing victims of …

Stephen E. Arnold: Branded Content (Info-mercials) at the New York Times

Branded Content at the New York Times   I did not think I would see the day. Bloomberg Businessweek informs us that the “New York Times Grudgingly Embraces Branded Content.” Though other news outfits have adopted the controversial money-making trend, it somehow seemed like the Times would prefer to shutter its doors before blurring the …

Stephen E. Arnold: HP PR – Another Example of How Broken Modern Search Is…

A Sales Pitch for HP IDOL Conceptual search allows users to search by concepts and ideas within information rather than basic keywords and phrases. Great idea, except that that the idea of conceptual search has been around since 1999. HP is touting it as a entirely brand new idea in the article, “Analytics For Human …