2013 Robert Steele Answers to MA Student in UK — OSINT and Terrorism 2.0

Am quite happy to help you as very few really have a mastery of this emerging pillar of 21st Century intelligence.  I am posting this answer at Phi Beta Iota to help others, and will gladly respond to any further questions you might have, respecting your individual privacy. 01)  In identifying and discussing the mechanisms …

Marcus Aurelius: Army Talking Points on Sequesters — REVISED to Respect Push-Back

This is UNOFFICIAL at this time, it has NOT been validated as an official document.  The depiction of most Army contractors as small to mid-size businesses with moderate to severe risk of bankruptcy if sequester cuts take place, is a useful point for investigators.  What is missing is a global “picture” of what different kinds …

Berto Jongman: SSCI Pre-Hearing Q&A — Superb Questions, Cloudy Answers — Robert Steele Answers 6 of 40 Questions Honestly + IC/CIA Health RECAP

SSCI Pre-Hearing Questions for John Brennan 28 Pages, 40 Questions ROBERT STEELE:  CIA was clearly a full participant in the drafting of these answers, many of which are utter nonsense (being effective at clandestine intelligence, all-source analysis, and open source intelligence, to take three fairly pertinent examples).  The questions are the best I have ever …

SmartPlanet: Goodbye ‘information economy’; hello ‘hacker economy’

Goodbye ‘information economy’; hello ‘hacker economy’ By Joe McKendrick | February 3, 2013, 9:09 AM PST By now, the term “information economy” has been beaten to death. Now, we may be moving into a new realm one observer calls the “hacker economy.” That’s the word from Greg Satell, who suggests that we’re evolving beyond the …

Review: The Things They Cannot Say: Stories Soldiers Won’t Tell You About What They’ve Seen, Done or Failed to Do in War

5.0 out of 5 stars ABSORBING — An Essential Reading for Citizens and Soliders, February 4, 2013 I did a very detailed review of the author’s first book, In the Hot Zone and I recommend that book as well as this one. They are different books and complement one another. The first book is about …

DefDog: Full Transcript of Hagel Hearing

Very sad — reading remarks prepared by White House weenies, a good man in a strait-jacket. Full transcript of Chuck Hagel hearing before Senate Armed Services Committee Philip Weiss MondoWeiss, February 2, 2013 I believe we can call the Senate Armed Services Committee’s confirmation hearing of Chuck Hagel on Thursday historic: for the savage questioning …