Greg Palast: GOP Disenfranchising 3.5 Million Voters — Obama Doing the “Al Gore” (Rolling Over and Playing Dead for Money) — Electoral Reform, Anyone?

GOP-led Purge Threat to 3.5 Million Voters Election officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched a program that threatens a massive purge of voter rolls, especially targeting minority voters. Al Jazeera America has obtained 2.1 million names from the target lists,  kept confidential until now.  Experts reviewing the lists conclude it is …

David Swanson: Groups Call on Congress to Cut “Runaway” Military Spending by 25-50%

Groups Call on Congress to Make Massive Cuts in Runaway Military Spending A diverse array of organizations today launched a campaign to enact major cuts in wasteful military spending, as part of the December 13 federal budget resolution. The groups include peace, human service, economic and environmental justice organizations, food sovereignty and green energy groups, …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter – Issue 67, October 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 67, October 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 71,727 other activists. That’s 1,011 more than last month! View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …

Patrick Meier: Mining Mainstream Media for Emergency Management 2.0

Mining Mainstream Media for Emergency Management 2.0 by Patrick Meier There is so much attention (and hype) around the use of social media for emergency management (SMEM) that we often forget about mainstream media when it comes to next generation humanitarian technologies. The news media across the globe has become increasingly digital in recent years—and thus analyzable …

Berto Jongman Et Al: 9-11 Odds and Ends + Meta RECAP

Berto Jongman: 9/11 Investigation and Strategy of Tension Berto Jongman: Media Ignores 9/11 Calm Amidst Chaos Berto Jongman: New 9/11 Investigation Berto Jongman: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories One in Two Surveyed Have Doubts About Government’s Account of 9/11. 46% Suspect Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 after Viewing Video Footage of …