Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Attacks US Army, Geosparsing, DoD Buries In-Q-Tel, Digital Currencies Neither Anonymous nor Reliable

A Congressman Seems to Support Palantir Gotham for US Army Personnel: I was disappointed that a reference to the F 35 was not included. From my vantage point in Harrod’s Creek, the F 35 program is a more spectacular display of procurement goofs. Geoparsing Is More Magical Than We Think: The article acts as a …

2016 Robert Steele: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – Creating the Academy, Economy, Government, and Society of the Future

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE): Creating the Academy, Economy, Government, and Society of the Future Robert Steele ABSTRACT I have decided to focus on the possibilities of integrating True Cost Economics, Holistic Analytics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). This concept is human-centric, rooted in advanced digital information management including new concepts for embedded intelligence …

Robert Steele: Can Thomson Reuters [or Bloomberg] Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain?

Can TR Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain? As delivered to TR executives on 18 February 2016. There is no evidence anyone brought this memorandum to the attention of the TR CEO. It merits comment that when Michael Bloomberg was Mayor of New York, he answered my letter and hence got it — all …

Robert Steele: Should Open Source Code Have a PayPal Address & AON Sliding Scale Rate Sheet? UPDATE 2

Robert Steele: Should Open Source Code Have a PayPal Address & AON Sliding Scale Rate Sheet? UPDATE 2 Creative Commons remains the single most brilliant contribution to the licensing conversation surrounding open source code, but it is not good enough. Anything that requires direct reach-back from a user to a coder will not scale, and …

Robert Steele: Advanced Scale Computing — Probably Not in Our Lifetime…

Advanced Scale Computing – Probably Not In Our Lifetime Unless we embrace Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) In the ideal, Advanced Scale Computing (ASC) would be holistic – integrating all information across all disciplines, languages, domains, and modes of cyber space-time. ASC today does not integrate all measurements such as true cost economics (e.g. natural …