Worth a Look: Book & Interview on America’s Epidemic in Child Rape, Torture, Body Harvesting, and Murder (Pedophilia ++ )

“Finally, someone with the strength and courage to expose the epidemic that is destroying our country. Child sexual abuse, in all its forms, is not and never has been just a family’s dirty little secret. It has been under our collective noses all along and we have ignored the stench. Dr. Lori Handrahan’s thorough research …

ITNJ Judicial Commission on Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse (Pedophilia) Reflections on Latest Cover-Up by the United Kingdom, Scaling Back the Westminster Abuse Inquiry

Westminster abuse inquiry scaled back The public inquiry into child abuse is scaling back its investigations into claims of an establishment cover-up of a VIP paedophile ring in Westminster. The inquiry would not try to make findings of fact in the cases of the late Sir Cyril Smith, who was a Liberal MP, or the …

ITNJ Judicial Commission on Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse (Pedophilia) Reflections on Child Sex Offender Ritual Holidays, & Videos

The Child Sex Offender (CSO) “holidays” when the most children are tortured and sometimes murdered revolve around the pagan calendar with the biggest being Easter, then winter solstice and summer solstice, and the full moons and black moons for smaller ceremonies.  The dates  change every year according to the moon’s own cycle.  The children’s birthdays …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Update — Podesta Secrets, Two-Party Tyranny & Hollywood Rape, Torture, & Murder Small Children

The Real Reasons Why Podesta Must Testify In Secret Podesta knows where all the bodies are buried… Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring Actor exposes pedophilia and links to Washington child abuse Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America’ Movie star speaks out against pedophilia rings Child Sex Trafficking & …