Chuck Spinney: Sanctions — A Strategy For When You Are Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas With Andrew Cockburn’s “A Very Perfect Instrument: The Ferocity and Failure of America’s Sanction Apparatus”

Obama’s climbdown in Syria, the election of a moderate Iranian president Hasan Rouhani, and the resurgence of Russian influence in the Middle East, have increased Israeli fears of a US accommodation with Iran. The Israelis, together with their wholly own neo-con subsidiaries in Congress, the thinktanks, and the mainstream media, are turning up the pressure …

Chuck Spinney: Has the US Lost Its Grand Strategic Mind?

As Esam Al-Amin explained here, Mohamad Morsi made some colossal blunders during his one year rule of Egypt, as its democratically elected president.  He was elected in what most observers regard as a reasonably fair election. But the exclusive report by Al Jazeera (also attached below) reveals that the United States — which claims to support democracy …

Q&A: Juan Enriquez, futurist, on bio-economics — bio-strategy still silent…

Q&A: Juan Enriquez, futurist, on the intersection of science, business and society Christina Hernandez Sherwood | July 1, 2013 Growing up in Mexico, Juan Enriquez didn’t consider new discoveries and scientific innovations particularly important. But now, after a circuitous route from a student at Harvard University to a Mexican peace negotiator and back to Harvard as …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel on Cusp of Grand Strategic Set-Back as Universities Mobilize (Precedent South Africa)?

Grand strategy (described here) can be generalized as a game of interaction and isolation. Viewed from this perspective, Israel’s grand strategy has been to maintain or increase its freedom of action in implementing the expansive Zionist apartheid/colonialist agenda, to include gaining control of the region’s scarce water resources (see here), by — (a) preying on the collective …