NATO Against Libya: Piracy on a Grand Scale

From Tripoli, Cynthia McKinney recommends this media report. NATO operation in Libya is “piracy on an international scale” Russia Television (print and video), 2 June 2011 NATO is not interested in a ceasefire in Libya as it craves regime change inthe country, believes International Action Center activist Sara Flounders. ”What NATO wants is regime change. …

Libya Chemical Weapons & NATO Chemical Threat

SPECIAL FROM WAYNE MADSEN Real danger of chemical weapons falling into hands of radical Islamists —  and potential of NATO creating chemical disaster TRIPOLI, LIBYA — Chemical weapons and chemical weapons precursor materials that were declared by Libya to the United Nations and United States but not yet destroyed are stored in warehouses at facilities …

Financial Rape of Libya — Assassination vs Invasion

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’ RT  –  18 hours ago Watch video Phi Beta Iota: China and Russia both appear to have explained to Goldman Sachs executives that they will be assassinated if they do not make good on their financial rapes against those two countries.  Libya appears to have adopted the …