Review: IDENTITY ECONOMICS–How our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being

Concise, Relevant, Documents New Knowledge, Respects Work of Others July 6, 2010 George Akerlof and Rachel Kranton This book is a solid five, and one of those instances when brevity adds value. While I was concerned to see no discussion of “true cost” economics and the book is overly fawning on Goldman Sachs (written before …

True Cost: Cost of food-borne illnesses is deemed much higher than earlier estimates

Among the food scares in recent years was a deadly E. coli outbreak tied to spinach. In most cases, it’s unknown how or why people get ill from what they eat. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / September 15, 2006) Phi Beta Iota: The second sentence is ignorant.  It is well-known that between industrial farming …

Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009

Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference New York City, 13 September 2009, 1400-1430 EST Planned Remarks for Robert David STEELE Vivas 9/11 discussion was yesterday, it is however central to today’s reflections 9/11 was about predatory economics, failed intelligence, and zero transparency I only have 30 minutes to speak, but I can stay for an hour …

True Cost Meme

The “true cost” meme as established by Paul Hawken and other leaders in ecological economics (such as Herman Daly) is an analytic concept that is embraced by Phi Beta Iota and should be clearly understood by all who wish to associate with or claim affiliation with Phi Beta Iota. Exxon, to take one example, did …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Bio-Economics

Bio-Economics & Natural Harmony Bio-Base Review: Biocapital–The Constitution of Postgenomic Life Review: Diet for a Small Planet Review: Geosystems–An Introduction to Physical Geography (6th Edition) Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution Review: Human Scale Review: Intelligence in Nature Review: Low Carbon Diet–A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds–Be Part of …